Monday, September 12, 2011

Yellow Dogs

The history's back. I'd like to include it all the time until it's finished, but it takes quite a few hours to produce. I've got about 20 hours in this week's batch alone. I'm not complaining, though. Gotta see it through.

Phase 5
            Well, maybe I did skip a couple of things. The Christmases of 1964 and 1965 were great for me, as usual, but were unusual in that both seasons were unusually warm and more like spring than early winter. Nearly all the Christmases I remember up to those years had been cold, snow covered affairs like the pictures of Currier and Ives prints, save for the sleighs. I went hunting with dad and my dog in 1964. Temps got into the 70s that day. It seemed weird but pleasant. We had an 11 inch accumulation of snow in early 1965, and another that knocked out a week of school just two weeks after Christmas vacation ended in early 1966.
            Both Easters, in 1965 and 1966, were quite warm as well. One of them, I can’t remember which, was downright hot. I was out in the yard imagining some sort of play when granny called me to dinner (around 2:30 PM because we always ate in the afternoon on holidays). I was drenched with sweet when dinner began. Beads dripped from my hairline and down my forehead. Yummy ham and sides, though.
            Another of those years, again I don’t remember which, my aunt and her newish husband came from Ohio for the holiday. It was good to see my aunt at Easter. She’s really the person I associate most with Easter because she was around when I still believed in the Easter Bunny, and she was an expert at putting together a professional looking basket. She also had a collection of Easter eggs from various years (the oldest was from 1957). A few times we watched the late night television Easter Eve fare which was always a biblical epic teeming with scantily clad dancing girls. She probably didn’t pay as much attention to the girls as I did.
            Besides a pleasant visit, my newish uncle bought a Buck Owens LP soon after arriving at granny’s. He must have really liked it because he played the grooves smooth. I liked it too. The record contained the songs Together Again and My Heart Skips a Beat. We listened to it every day. I thought it was great. They left the LP behind when they went back to Ohio.

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